In many respects it is very moderate sitting at the centre of a web of operating systems with many different traits. Compared to its predecessor it provides high speeds and streamlines the interface while maintaining valuable features such as the User Account Control sandbox and the Aero graphical enhancements.

Windows 7 is a version of Windows that succeeded Windows Vista. Most of our Appliances support these release channels or let you fix on specific major versions.Swati Mishra Updated 3 years ago Another Strong Entry In A Venerable Operating System Legacy This gives you the opportunity to choose your balance between stability and features. We offer Release Channels with production, stable, beta and daily-branches. To receive information about updates and security issues, we recommend a subscription to our low-traffic newsletter here. We recommend using a virtual machine or docker image on Windows Server. Nextcloud Server does not support Microsoft Windows. Looking for older versions or major releases?

Can’t find packages you need? Ask your distribution for packages or contribute to creating them! Find an overview of packages for various distributions as well as Docker and snap images here. You can already find server packages included with many distributions or provided by active community members. You can also grab the keys by issueing this command: