And if they also support Git 3-way-merges, or can be integrated into TortoiseGit in some way, then this would even be better.

And it would be good if they can detect such moved sections even if they contain some smaller changes. And of course display those actions in a good way to work with. This is why I'm looking for diff or merge tool which can handle those moved code sections in a much better way. If you just reorder some functions in a file, these tools completely fail and often just display huge inserted and deleted blocks, and it is solely up to you to check if the inserted lines correspond to the deleted lines, or if they contain some hidden changes. However, none of these tools can handle moved code very well. In seldom cases I even make use of WinMerge. For checking the history or just fetching some selected features from a different version I also often use the diff tool from MPLAB X (often by using the history function). For doing very complicated merges from branches which have a lot of collisions I mostly work with TortoiseGit and their merge tool. For pulling back branches in the main developement version I usually use the Bitbucket pull requests. So far, depending on the situation, I use different diff and merge tools. The main repository is placed on a Bitbucket server, together with JIRA.

I'm doing the Git stuff with TortoiseGit. I'm working with a project with C source code in MPLAB X and a Git repository on Windows. I'm looking for recommendations for a good (3-way-)merge/diff tool, which can handle moved code in a much better way.

Looking for a merge/diff tool which can handle moved code sections